fredag 5. april 2013

Easter weekend Aussie style!

ph_priv The red sand dunes, good fun
ph_priv Me and Hamish aka my son!
Thomas, Martin, Hamish, Simone and me

The best easter weekend I`ve ever had, without snow, kvikk-lunsj and appelsin!

I was pumped up for this last party with my fellow trainees here in Aussie land. Got the hole weekend off, friday to monday.
Took off at about 9am friday, headed up to Hay were I met up with Diana and Rylan (denmark and canada) 13 O`clock we headed towards Mildura in my car, The Corolla.
Our destination was about 133km N off Mildura, Woolcunda Station. A big Sheep and Goat farm up where Thomas is currently a trainee (leaving first friday, back to england)
Well, after a while, I think it was about 6pm we got there, Finally!

What a place, It`s really nothing up there but red sand, a couple of trees and a hole lot of green tiny bushes, but yet so beautiful! I think I learned to think about Australia as a more beautiful place as well during this weekend. You got to aprichiate what you have, what you can do and ho you can do it with. And I had just the people to have the time of my life up there. Even if this is close to the end and people are starting to go home I know I`ve got my self friends for life down here, And I can`t wait to see them all again.

BBQ on, Beer pop, Chill. Good start! And we danced, and we laughed, and then we drank some more. Next morning we went on the UTE, two, four, seven, probably ten or more on the ute that day. Drove true warm, red sand, dust in your eyes, dust every where! We got to this lake, some had a swim and found a boat. Good fun.
 BBQ Lunch, wait. I`m not gonna talk about what we ate an all. We only had a BBQ to prepare our food so, haha.(about bloody time I`ve got some BBQ food down here, Doesn`t happen to often actually) More people arrived on saturday, and it`s so good to see everyone! But most of them sadly had to go home again sunday..

On Saturday we had a lot of fun with the bikes on the red sand dunes! It was only my second time on a bike (in my hole life) so I took it kind of easy..  It was so much fun! Sadly my gopro ran out of battery before I even got there.. Darn it! Need a second one! ;- )  And then it was time to say goodbye one more time on Sunday. I hate goodbyes!
It nearly ended in tears, this time as well..

It `s hard to se every othere facebook update from my fellow trainees that are home now or on their way home.. I wish I was too..   I`m ready!

How was your easter? Any skiing in the snow ? =)    

47 days left..  

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